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Michael Heberer, from Bretten near Heidelberg, was travelling in the Mediterranean in 1585 when he was captured by Turkish pirates off Malta and taken as a slave to Egypt and Constantinople. He spent three years as a galley slave in the Levant, visiting Cyprus twice. Eventually he was ransomed and returned to Germany, where he wrote this account of his adventures. Cyprus is described in chapter 12, pp. 141-143.

Στοιχεία βιβλίου
Book ID

Ægyptiaca Servitvs: Das ist/ Warhafte Beschreibung einer Dreyjährigen Dienstbarkeit/ So zu Alexandrien in Egypten ihren Anfang/ vnd zu Constantinopel ihr Endschafft genommen. Gott zu Ehren/ vnd dem Nechsten zur Nachrichtung/ in Drey vnterschiedene Bücher auszgetheilet/ vnd mit etlichen Kupfferstücken in Druck verfertiget Durch Michael Heberer von Bretten/ Churfürstlicher Pfaltz Cantzley Registratorn/ der solche in der Person auszgestanden. Mit zwo angehenckten Reisen/ die er nach seiner Dienstbarkeit/ in Vier Königreich/ Böhem/ Polen/ Schweden/ Dennemarckt/ Auch nechstligende Fürstenthumb vnd Seestädt vollbracht. Gedruckt zu Heydelberg/ in Gotthard Vögelins Druckerey.

Short Title
Ægyptiaca Servitus ...
Small 4to
First edition
Place of publication
Publishing responsibility
Gotthard Vögelin
Plates & Maps

01. [Heberer in chains]
02. [Map of Corsica]
03. [Galley]
04. [Plan of Alexandria]
05. ‘Cipro Insola’ [map]
06. ‘Rodis.’ [map]
07. [Plan of the Hellespont]
08. [Animals]
09. [Bird’s-eye view of the Bosphorus]
10. [Turks at play]
11. ‘Cerigo’ [map]
12. Zenobia
13. Pentesilea
14. Cladia Metelli - Tvliola Tvlii
15. [St Paul]
16. ‘Malta Insola’ [map]
17. Hugo de loubeux Verdala
18. [Arms of Philibert de Foissy et Chamesson]
19. [Don John of Austria]
20. [Messina]
21. [Capo Palinuro]
22. [Medals]
23. [Denmark, Baltic coast, Sweden]
24. [Arms of the Goths]
unno’d [Shipwreck]